Year In Review... The Long Game
Hey Ya’ll!! Happy New Year!! I have been thinking about 2018 and how big it was for us, so I thought I would do a year in review and quick look ahead note! First of all, thank you to everyone reading this. You are a big part of why I started Prickly Cactus Jewels in 2018. You inspire me every day!!!
Here are a few things that happened over the last year!!!

Year in Review:
- We launched Prickly Cactus Jewels at the beginning of March! Boooyah!!! I had been wanting to start my own business since my mid 20s… and 20 years later I finally did it. Lesson here? You are NEVER too old; It is NEVER too late! If you are wanting to start something, DO IT. You can. I know you can.
- We released 3 full jewelry collections in less than a year. HOT DAMN! YEP!!! 3 Whole Cohesive Collections! I have learned SO MUCH through this process, and I am still learning. I have loved every minute of it too. Even through the tough patches… it all made me better, stronger!
- I also went Keto on March 15th and never looked back! Ok this one is personal, but it’s a big deal for me. And I like sharing my heart with you. I have been sugar free and keto for 10 months now!! :D This is major. As a sugar addict (I am not kidding… it is a real thing and it controlled my life), it has been so freeing to not have cravings rule my life every day. Truly liberating!!
That is 2018 in a nutshell, and while these were some pretty big happenings, 2019 is BIGGER!!!! So what’s happening next year, you ask?! Read on, My Sweet!
The Look Ahead:
- Native American Collection Coming SOON! Yep… you heard me right. I have decided to share my love with you of Native American jewelry from my own stash, while adding to it for you! Squash blossoms, handmade turquoise rings and bracelets! I know you will love it all!
- We are opening a Texas Cowboy Boot Company (TCB) shop Houston location with PCJ Retail Counter!!! Can I get a YEHAW!? My husband is a master boot maker and owns Texas Cowboy Boot Company. We have spent the holidays moving his shop in Weatherford, Texas to Houston. He is so excited!! We all are! I will have a jewelry retail counter! YEEEE!!!! I plan to share the new TCB website with you soon!!
- Look for the One-of-a-Kind Collaboration with Texas Cowboy Boot Company!!! Oh and my husband is also a master engraver. Did I ever tell you that? We plan to release one of a kind pieces that I will make and he will engrave. These will be true heirlooms for you to pass down in time.
The plans for 2019 are big, and maybe things won’t happen exactly as I hope or expect… but just maybe they will be bigger and better than hoped!! Maybe we will inspire you along the way too!!!
The Long Game
So many entrepreneurs work their side hustle while going to a regular job during the week. This is not easy. While my family is hanging out on weekends, a lot of my time is spent photographing or designing jewelry or crafting blog posts/newsletter emails to YOU! I am working hard to build a recognizable brand through media, press and social media recognition. I love doing this – like crazy love it - and my end game is to do THIS full time. Because in the end, all this is to show my daughters that they can do anything they want if they just put their minds to it and put in the hard work.
So with all that said, I wanted to wish you and your family a happy new year! You are amazing inspiration to me! And I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being a part of this journey! May God bless you this year!!